Update 8/13 2:35 PM
ETSU's upstream telephone service provider has acknowledged a known issue with calls with no audio, and other symptoms matching those we have experienced. Windstream's network operations center is continuing to troubleshoot in an effort to find the root cause. They have provided no estimated time to restoration of full service.
Original 8/13 8:00 AM
ETSU's ITS Telecommunications group is currently troubleshooting a problem receiving calls from mobile phones. Calls from mobile providers will ring in and connect; but no audio is transmitted or received, and in some cases the call drops after a few seconds. This problem is confirmed to be affecting all carriers including Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, and their MVNOs (Cricket, Straight Talk, Net10, etc). This alert will be updated as more details become available. If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk.